Thursday, June 23, 2011

A moment of silence, please…

Later I went to the WTC ground zero site and went through the memorial museum. It brings back chills when I see images of the planes, the smoke or the destruction caused by 9/11. I remember being at home that day after school and my mom calling me from work telling me to turn on the news and watch. I turned on the news and watched an image of the second plane hitting into the second Trade Center Tower, as 14th year old I had no idea what was happening or what the repercussions would be. It felt like I was watching a movie on tv, like it wasn’t real…so to go through the museum to see the images and artifacts, to read the stories of fallen heroes and to once again see the complete devastation caused by terrorism was numbing.  I think the excerpt that hit me the hardest was these one…

Pictures in the 9/11 Memorial Museum, NYC

“Hey Jules, this is Brian. Ah, listen…I’m on an airplane that has been hijacked…if things don’t go well, and they’re not looking good, I want you to know that I absolutely love you. I want you to do good, have good times, same with my parents. I’ll see you when I get here. I want you to know that I totally love you. Bye, babe. I hope I will call you.”

9/11 Destruction, NYC

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