Monday, June 20, 2011

Dc sightseeing…

I did a lot of walking today and saw a great deal of things...I started at Union station and made my way to the White House, yeah I totally got to hang out with Obama, just kidding. I also walked to Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument and the Pentagon along with the Pentagon Memorial. This was a really pretty memorial right next to the pentagon building. There are the names of all those affected by the attack. One in particular stood out to me, it was a husbands name, and below was the names of his children and wife that he left behind...and next to it was another other one with the mother's name and below it, the children her and her  husband left behind.

Pentagon Memorial, VA (it's in Virginia)

I also went to the Arlington Cemetery (where J.F Kennedy and Jackie O are buried.) It's kind of scary to see the rows and rows of head stones, that you know represent death, tragedy and sadness. Knowing that you will one day be reduced to that...kind of sucks.

JFK and Jackie O's burial sight
I visited the Holocaust museum which takes you around Germany through the eyes of a young Jewish boy called Daniel with the help of my diary he penned while in the ghetto and in a concentration camp. It was a familiar story told in such a unique way as the museum is molded around what Daniel survived through.

Holocaust Museum, DC
After a lovely day and dinner I headed back to the hostel ready to get some sleep, but my roommates had other ideas so 2am was my bedtime, luckily I was catching a 5 hour bus ride the next day, so I was planning on catching up my sleep then, unfortunately my bus mates had other ideas...ugh! Is anyone seeing a pattern?! I have now decided that if you ringtone or your voice is seriously annoying you are ban from sitting in a 10 chair radius of me. The guy in front of me spoke for a solid 5 hours! Surely your battery should die at some stage?

Outside Arlington Cemetery, VA 

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