Friday, November 16, 2012

Induction ceremony

I was recently accepted into two honour societies through MATC. The one is the National Technical Honor Society and the other is Phi Theta Kappa. The school holds a ceremony for all the inductees. Tyler, his Mom (Mary), step dad (Max), Dave and Amanda all came to support me.

We had to light a candle and say the pledge, which of course included someone about America. So, Tyler asked me if I had said South Africa instead. Ugh.

It was a nice ceremony though, and I got some lovely certificates.

It was neat to go and be able to watch the ceremony, I am proud of Robyn for her dedication to her school work and her persistence to keep up with all the work that comes with school. Having finished my degree I know the kind of work that goes into accomplishing something like this, and on top of that she also works full time which is impressive. The even more impressive part is that she has managed to keep her grades at the top of her class, which is something that I never did. 

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