Thursday, November 22, 2012


Tyler and I celebrated more than one Thanksgiving this year. We celebrated (and ate) with Tyler’s dad and step mom in the early afternoon; later that day we embraced a “host family” thanksgiving which was really good. Two days later Tyler attended his mom’s thanksgiving (I worked) and finally we joined some friends for a friend’s thanksgiving/house warming party.

My thanksgiving turkey :)

Thanksgiving is always tons of food and tons of fun. Yah for fattening American holidays!

I think the meaning of Thanksgiving has been lost on most Americans, in fact I would imagine if you asked them what the history of the holiday is and why we had it many of them would not know. Robyn tested me on this and I was able to recite to her the meaning J, that being said I would be curious if folks in other countries feel the same way about some of their holidays, it just seems over the years some people forget why we do things as the actual event that created the holiday becomes dated. 

However the food was great and it is always a good time to gather with family and friends and have a feast!

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