Saturday, March 16, 2013

Playing mommy…

I offered to babysit all three kids for three days…sounds crazy huh? Well maybe it was a little but I survived, and it was fun. Dave and Amanda wanted to go to New York for the weekend, and I figured it would be an interesting experience…so why not. I’ll tell you why not –

The plan was for Dave and Amanda to leave early on Thursday morning; I would take all the kids to school and then go to school myself. Finn woke up that night puking. Amanda cancelled her flight so she could stay with him during the day while I went to school and would leave later. Since either way I would miss part of my school day I offered to just stay the whole time with him. Plus if she stayed she would have missed the game they were planning to go see. And as I put it, I’ve been puked on before. (I have a new found respect for mothers, by the way.)

My morning was spent with one sick boy who wanted to go to school and one healthy boy who didn’t want to. We settled for both at home playing in the basement, and sleeping on the couch. Thursday night was a chilled night.

Friday morning everyone seemed much better. I took AJ to school and the boys to the public museum. I had brought lunch for the boys, but they asked if they could have a treat if they ate well. I agreed (I still had two days and wanted to ensure cooperation.) After choosing an ice cream each, and after we paid for them, the boys remarked, “mommy and daddy never let us have the ice creams.” Great, now I’m an accessory.

As I was waiting for Finn to finish his treat, suddenly Finn informed me of his desperate need for the potty. Ugh. So, we made our way to the loo. I put Finn in one corner as far away from the toilets as possible, put Braden on the toilet and stand in between where I can see them both. One kid needs help wiping (gross I know) and one needs help with the dripping ice cream all over himself.

After managing to get everything and everyone together we headed home. Nap time…for the boys.

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