Friday, August 12, 2011

Patobter…good idea?

Patober, this is a combination between a Pat McCurdy concert ( and Oktoberfest, which means there, is definitely drinking involved. There is also a “Miss Patobter” event, which is not nearly as glamorous as it may sound. Given the chance I would not have entered, unfortunately my friends had other ideas and entered me in anyway. 
Awaiting instructions

So I had to eat a Brat (similar to Wors) hang from a stick, with no hands (which I won), then hold a heavy glass of water with my arm straight out in front of me (which I finished 3rd after realizing that was all I needed to place in order to advance to the next round I put the glass down) and lastly a beer chugging contest (UGH), but you will all be proud to know I came 2nd, which means I am not an experienced chugger…but that I do take competition seriously and try my best. 

Eating a brat, hanging from a stick

Leaving without the crown or title was totally okay with me (especially once I saw the winner had to dance with Mr Patober…) Although through the whole competition the Mr Patober contests were supporting us girls and cheering us on, even chanting “U.S.A, U.S.A…” in reference to my USA shirt, until the announced shattered their dreams by announcing “you know she is actually from South Africa right?...And there goes the awkward moment for the night…

Beer Chugging contest...

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