Saturday, August 6, 2011

On a stick?...

Ah, State Fair the best time to people watch, spot the weirdoes of the world and to eat anything deep fried or on a stick…seriously! Tyler, Kevin (his old roommate) and Kaelyn (Kevin’s girlfriend) and I headed to this train wreck that is Wisconsin State fair, although I mock it; it is a fun event to attend. It’s usually 10 days, and we decided to go the 3rd day, although we were a little nervous considering the events of the past few days…You can read this if you want to find out about it - We started at the main center where there are many little stalls selling food, gimmicky items and South African t-shirts. Okay so they were actually selling soccer team t-shirts, but we did manage to find a Bafana Bafana shirt of Tyler and a USA shirt for me.

Look at us in our soccer shirts!

We then moved onto the various food items on sale, starting with “pickle in a cone” (as in ice cream cone), skipping the “deep fried candy bars we decided on “deep fried smores in a stick”.  We also skipped the “deep fried oreos” and “funnel cakes”, before Kevin decided to try “deep fried hot dog wrapped in bacon on a stick”, Tyler and I tried “corn dog on a stick” as well as “corn on the cob”. After a long night of indulgence we decided that our bodies could no longer handle anything else that deep fried or on a stick so we parted ways and all headed home.

Pickle in a cone

Deep fried on a stick

Deep fried smores on a stick

Some more deep fried food

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