Friday, August 26, 2011

All that is Bourbon Street…

Once we turned down the street that proudly proclaimed “Bourbon Street” we saw a crazy sight. The buildings are all old style and beautiful looking, but in between this wondrous mix of architecture are groups of people partying. Some were dressed casual in flip flops with shorts, while others were dressed in their finest with heels, sating dresses and all the rest, we even managed to spot a few Mardi Gras masks. We have opted for cute dresses and flip flops for the walk but heels for the clubs, we weren't sure what to expect, but Vegas had given me an indication that maybe we should “protect” our feet!

Bourbon Street, LA

Out and about with Jenny

There were Mardi Gras beads (I’m not sure if that’s their real name, but that’s the best name I could come up with for the sparkling, Christmas decoration looking beads) everywhere! Jenny and I found some great spots to dance. We also found out that in NOLA if it is your birthday your friends pin a dollar (or maybe more) bill on your clothing and people give you money to pin on your safety pin…so Jenny and I gave a guy a dollar each for his birthday, and he brought us each a drink…(which definitely wasn’t just a dollar.) At about 3am we decided we should probably head back as we had a full day of sightseeing ahead of us.

Bourbon Street, LA

Pining money on the birthday dude

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