Sunday, August 28, 2011

Don’t judge…

Severely sleep deprived, Jenny and I tried to function at full human capacity, not so easy apparently. I got to TSA and of course they sent me through the body scanner (I always have to go through that thing) while Jenny just had to go through the old fashioned metal detectors. The machine kept beeping for me, so I had to take off my earring (apparently I never realized I had lost one) and go through again, and it beeped again. By now people kept looking at me (which is where the “Don’t Judge” comes in.) Eventually they figured that the hem of my pants is what sets the scanner off…never travelling in those pants again!

Last memories of New Orleans, LA

And finally we were able to board the plane (we decided not to look for Mickey D’s this time.) Jenny and I were exhausted so we slept like babies ‘til we arrived in Minnesota where we disembarked, waiting to board again and fell asleep! Good times in New Orleans!

New Orleans memories, LA

Saturday, August 27, 2011

One last party night/day…

Once we were officially weirded out by the sight on Oak Street we headed back home to shower and change before cycling out to Frenchmen Street, where all the jazz clubs are. Yes, I rode a bike in a dress, but this time we gave up on the idea of heels and just biked out in our flips flops.

Jenny and I at Maison, LA
We found a safe spot (across from the fire department and locked our precious transportation up and started to walk the street looking for some inspiring music. We finally settled on Maison. Which had three floors, each which had a different feel (the top had totally rave music with laser light and all that, we didn’t stay there very long.)

At the door of Maison

Once the jazz band started up again, we started to have a real good time. The band was great and the people around us we pretty friendly. We stayed ‘til closing and Jenny got chatting to the sax player, so the rest of the band joined and we had a good conversation, many of the band members were from other parts of the US so there was lots to share about travels and future travels and all that jazz (no pun intended.) Finally we made our way back to the bike (still talking) when suddenly Jenny looked at the time and realized it was 5am! (We were catching the shuttle to the airport…at 5am!)

The band playing at Maison

So we said quick farewells and hopped on our bikes and peddled like little hamster stuck on a wheel. Luckily we had already packed (almost) everything up so we just changed and were ready to bounce!
In the shuttle we realize everything did not included Jenny’s IPod and charger, my phone charger and straightener…

Sightseeing in Nawlins…

We thought a bike tour of the great city would the easiest and probably the quickest, so we walked to the bike shop but on the way we pasted a cemetery, which we decided to have a quick look at. I’m telling you, some of those tombs are huge and really a sight to see!

The tomb...and me...

Once at the bike shop we rented two Cadillac’s, and started on our tour. We saw a lot but I guess I’ll just mention the few hi-lights. We drove along the Riverfront and saw the city from a slightly higher spot, which was pretty sweet to see.

Jenny and I at the Riverfront, LA

Along the Riverfront, LA

Next we made our way to CafĂ© du Monte, where we ordered some beignets, which are the most amazing sugared treat! Coupled with a mocha frap and I was in heaven! Then we made our way to The Original Pierre Maspero’s where we had Jambalaya, crab cakes, Blackened Redfish… Real traditional New Orleans cuisine, which was so good. I loved it! We also got to see the Superdome (where the Saints play) and a pretty sunset.

Cafe du Monte

Lunch for us :)
Superdome. LA

After riding our bikes down Magazine Street, we then we parked our bikes, locked them up and headed on the streetcar to Oak Street, where the mid-summer Mardi Gras was being held. Wow, crazy people alert!!! There are no words I could possibly use that could describe the sights you see at a Mardi Gras in New Orleans, so I’ll just show you some evidence…


No, really...

Friday, August 26, 2011

All that is Bourbon Street…

Once we turned down the street that proudly proclaimed “Bourbon Street” we saw a crazy sight. The buildings are all old style and beautiful looking, but in between this wondrous mix of architecture are groups of people partying. Some were dressed casual in flip flops with shorts, while others were dressed in their finest with heels, sating dresses and all the rest, we even managed to spot a few Mardi Gras masks. We have opted for cute dresses and flip flops for the walk but heels for the clubs, we weren't sure what to expect, but Vegas had given me an indication that maybe we should “protect” our feet!

Bourbon Street, LA

Out and about with Jenny

There were Mardi Gras beads (I’m not sure if that’s their real name, but that’s the best name I could come up with for the sparkling, Christmas decoration looking beads) everywhere! Jenny and I found some great spots to dance. We also found out that in NOLA if it is your birthday your friends pin a dollar (or maybe more) bill on your clothing and people give you money to pin on your safety pin…so Jenny and I gave a guy a dollar each for his birthday, and he brought us each a drink…(which definitely wasn’t just a dollar.) At about 3am we decided we should probably head back as we had a full day of sightseeing ahead of us.

Bourbon Street, LA

Pining money on the birthday dude

Crazy drivers…

We called the hostel and arranged to meet the shuttle service at the outside, pick up section of the airport. We were patiently waiting when we saw the car arrive to collect us. We were getting really excited for our trip to the hostel then party time!

New Orleans by night, LA

The guy (Craig) that came to pick us up seemed nice enough…until he started to drive! I swear the guy drove like a crazy person! Jenny and I were looking at each other and wondering if we would ever make it to Flo and Joes alive or not. Luckily we did make it, and once we had had a “grand tour” and were checked in we started to get ready to go out. We had planned on going to Bourbon Street our first night and Frenchmen Street the second night. After changing and primping we were ready! We got directions (it was pretty close to the hostel) and made our way out.

This is where we are heading!

It’s pronounced Nawlins…

Jenny and I decided to head south for the weekend and party it up in New Orleans, or as we later learnt “Naw-lins” as the locals prefer to call. Their slogan is “How you doing?”, they support the Saints (Super bowl 2010 champions) and their tourist t-shirt all proclaim “NOLA” (which is basically New Orleans, LouisanA, smart huh?)

At the airport, New Orleans, LA

We had a late afternoon flight on Friday which we nearly missed with all the Friday rush hour traffic, but thankfully we had it to MKE (Milwaukee airport) with a little time to spare. We boarded and were ready to start our adventure, which happened a little earlier than expected…

Sleep time for me!

We arrived in Minnesota airport were we had a layover, exiting boarding gate B, we started to head to boarding gate C, where our connection was, then we saw a few food stalls on the opposite side and decided since we were pretty close to it we would make a detour for our tummies first, once we had bags of McDonalds (don’t judge) firmly in our grip we started to head towards to gate…which turned out a little further than we expected…Then I heard the airport announcement calling “miss Jennifer Rapsch and a “miss Robyn Widgel” totally confused at the beginning (it’s not often we refer to Jenny as Jennifer, and they totally Butchered both our surnames), but suddenly it clicked and I turned to her and said, “OMG, they just called us!” She turns to me and goes “I didn’t hear it.” My response was “I don’t care, I did…let’s GO!” So we ran to the barding gate that Jenny assured me was ours, but upon arrival we noticed not only and empty boarding gate, but signs posted for Philadelphia…

Almost missing our flight...not fun!

I turned and asked “are you sure it was E and not C?” This I have to admit was a fail on the part of the airport as they never printed it on our tickets, which most do so you have an easy reference. So took the chance and ran back to gate C, praying that we would not get left behind, we weren’t…although we were the last to board the plane, and had to put up with the flight attendant teases us for being late ‘cos we stopped for Mickey D’s. Thanks Dude!

Finally we made to NOLA, now we have to get to the hostel…hmmm…

At the airport in New Orleans

Friday, August 12, 2011

Patobter…good idea?

Patober, this is a combination between a Pat McCurdy concert ( and Oktoberfest, which means there, is definitely drinking involved. There is also a “Miss Patobter” event, which is not nearly as glamorous as it may sound. Given the chance I would not have entered, unfortunately my friends had other ideas and entered me in anyway. 
Awaiting instructions

So I had to eat a Brat (similar to Wors) hang from a stick, with no hands (which I won), then hold a heavy glass of water with my arm straight out in front of me (which I finished 3rd after realizing that was all I needed to place in order to advance to the next round I put the glass down) and lastly a beer chugging contest (UGH), but you will all be proud to know I came 2nd, which means I am not an experienced chugger…but that I do take competition seriously and try my best. 

Eating a brat, hanging from a stick

Leaving without the crown or title was totally okay with me (especially once I saw the winner had to dance with Mr Patober…) Although through the whole competition the Mr Patober contests were supporting us girls and cheering us on, even chanting “U.S.A, U.S.A…” in reference to my USA shirt, until the announced shattered their dreams by announcing “you know she is actually from South Africa right?...And there goes the awkward moment for the night…

Beer Chugging contest...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

On a stick?...

Ah, State Fair the best time to people watch, spot the weirdoes of the world and to eat anything deep fried or on a stick…seriously! Tyler, Kevin (his old roommate) and Kaelyn (Kevin’s girlfriend) and I headed to this train wreck that is Wisconsin State fair, although I mock it; it is a fun event to attend. It’s usually 10 days, and we decided to go the 3rd day, although we were a little nervous considering the events of the past few days…You can read this if you want to find out about it - We started at the main center where there are many little stalls selling food, gimmicky items and South African t-shirts. Okay so they were actually selling soccer team t-shirts, but we did manage to find a Bafana Bafana shirt of Tyler and a USA shirt for me.

Look at us in our soccer shirts!

We then moved onto the various food items on sale, starting with “pickle in a cone” (as in ice cream cone), skipping the “deep fried candy bars we decided on “deep fried smores in a stick”.  We also skipped the “deep fried oreos” and “funnel cakes”, before Kevin decided to try “deep fried hot dog wrapped in bacon on a stick”, Tyler and I tried “corn dog on a stick” as well as “corn on the cob”. After a long night of indulgence we decided that our bodies could no longer handle anything else that deep fried or on a stick so we parted ways and all headed home.

Pickle in a cone

Deep fried on a stick

Deep fried smores on a stick

Some more deep fried food