Monday, September 28, 2009

MASS - A - CHU - SETTS ...

My next adventure…Boston, MA (Massachusetts…aka there’s-no-way-I -could-spell-that-without-spellcheck!) Ravash came to Wisconsin, so I promised her I would go to Boston, I had a long weekend off in Sept (Fri, Sat and Sun) so I woke up really early (for the record anything before 8 is early for me) and boarded the airport connection at 4:30am (argh!) climbed on a plane and landed in Boston at 1pm…of course everyone was looking bright eyed and bushy tailed (I think I just looked bushy tailed!) Ravash’s host child (? - I’m still not sure what to called the kids we look after, we have host parents, so they should either be our host kids or our host siblings…but that is just too weird for words) finished school just after I got there so we took her to the playground, it was fun! Meaning we probably had more fun there than she did…

See what I mean? Ravashnie on the slide
Later we took Elizabeth back to the house and made paper flowers for her mother. When Ravash’s host mom came home we made a beeline for the door and went out for dinner at the Chessecake Factory, which does in fact have a wide range of dishes and not just desserts. (I had never gone there before because I don’t really like cheesecake and I thought it was a dessert place, only) while there we met up with another South African girl, Thubile.
Thubile, Ravashnie and I at Cheesecake factory. MA

The next day the girls - Geetha, a Malaysian girl and Hilda (Jones) a South African girl from Kokstad that I went to school with like 10 years ago! - took me out and about in Boston, we went to Bunker Hill, Quincy market and a whole bunch of other interesting places. 

Geetha, Hilda, Ravashnie and I

Hilde and I at Bunker Hill Monument

We also saw a bar that is modeled on the set of ‘Cheers’. That night Ravash and I planned to go out, but as you know what they say about the best laid plans… the car had a flat tire so we got less than a block away, and decided to catch a bus and just check out Boston by night. We met some VERY interesting (aka weird) people, one guy told me “I am love…with your eyes right now…” okay dude, I would like to warn you at this stage that I do carry pepper spray and I do know self-defense!

Some random part of Boston by night...

 On Sunday we had planned a picnic, but with the rain we jumped at the lunch invitation extended by her host family. While dinning they promptly offered me her job when she leaves next year - slightly awkward moment! In private Ravash remarked I should visit more often as her host family isn’t usually so sweet to her, what can I say host families love my…charm? That brought my Boston trip to an end, and Ravash, Geetha and Kim (another SA au pair) drove me to the airport where we bid fond farewells.

Ravash, Geetha, Kim and I and of course my pink bag :)

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