Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pickin' dem apples ...

As you can all see or read I am having a great American adventure, living the America dream if you like. I hope you are enjoying reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.

Milwaukee nature shot

My next great American adventures began in…well our backyard! It’s fall at the moment which a month ago meant all the leaves are turning gorgeous hues of red, yellow and gold. Unfortunately now it means the trees are bare and no longer cloaked in glorious shades, and there are a lot of messy backyards that need to be raked. I think it’s so cool, well I thought! My host mom and dad decided to enjoy the full American experience I needed to rake leaves and make scarecrows. We had to rake up all the leaves and then we stuffed them in Dave’s old (doctor scrubs) clothing, then we added masks so we had a werewolf/doctor and an old man in funny pj’s on our front porch. I think I’m a pretty good leaf rake-er unfortunately it’s a thankless job, because there’s always more leaves!

AJ and I in the leaf pile
Coupled with scarecrow building, apple picking is another fall activity that we shared. What fun! We drove to this farm (Elegant farm) where there was a big red barn with a smiley face on it. Knowing that we were “roughing” it on a farm I wore pigtail plaits and a checked shirt with bomber jacket, feeling like quite the farmer’s daughter! Lucky for me I brought a few extra layers because damn! It was cold. The type of cold where it catches your breathe every time you breathe in, you cheeks turn various shades of pink and your eyes want to water. But in all fairness the sun was out, he just wasn’t doing his job very well. Needless to say this the first time I recessed my wardrobes readiness for winter! At the apple farm we went on a trailer attached to a tractor, up to the apple orchids where every tree has a colored ribbon tied to it signifying the type of apple it produces, not really caring about the type and rather just the experience, it didn’t take this safa (South African) long to be up the tree and picking ‘dem apples! Annabel was cute helping out by standing at the base of the tree and collecting the apples I collected, reminding me every time that it was going into her basket! The day was ended off by indulging in hot apple cider donuts! Yummy!

AJ and I apple picking

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