Thursday, September 3, 2009

A day in the life of an au pair...

My mom asked me to explain my daily routine, so I thought I’d just add this for you all.
My typical week consists of working 8 – 10 hours per day Monday through Thursday. I wake up and get ready for the day, which basically means shower, change and coffee! My host mom or dad will either leave right away or they will be getting Annabel ready for school. If they are still getting her ready then I usually help by getting her breakfast or by doing her hair, she has the most gorgeous shiny, long, thick hair! Then it’s just me and the boys once everyone leaves. We just hang out and chill. They are supposed to sleep in the morning, midday and in the afternoon, but as we all know even the best laid plans don’t always go according to plan! I also feed them, they mainly have milk but are starting on rice cereal, (which brings back memories of trying to feed my younger siblings which if memory serves me correct - was always a messy affair!) In between all of that I try to get out the house at least once a day, picture me, walking down the streets of suburbia pushing a double stroller/pram, sounds cute ha? Well they are, but you can bet that they are not always angels! Finn is the louder of the two, so he gets a little more attention, which makes Braden jealous and so has started this new cry which is more like a girly screech, that kind of says “what about me?!” Braden is also the better sleeper of the two, he lets you know when he wants to sleep, eat or has a poop by making a slightly weird groaning noises, but at least it’s not a screech.  Finn sleeps well…if you are holding him, I’m sure you can see how that would be a problem. But on a whole I am really happy with my family, and with Wisconsin. The boys are 6 months now for anyone that is keeping track. Once I have finished work I either just sit in my room and read, surf the net or watch tv. If I finish early enough I try to make it to the gym, but realistically this usually only happens on weekends (Fri, Sat or Sun) Sometimes I meet up for coffee with the other girls but most of them live 30 – 40 minutes away (except my friend Hilde who lives 15 minutes away) so during the week this can be challenging. On weekend we always try to make the most of our time, we have group emails on facebook that we send out to ALL the au pair girls so anyone that can make it is invited, which is nice ‘cos then it’s not always the same girls. We always invite other au pairs from other agencies, just to expand our friendship base, plus everyone has a different departure date, so it’s very rare that your friend will be there the whole time you are there, so you need to make lots of friends!

My room on a rare day that it was clean

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