Monday, February 1, 2010

The last few hours of Disney...for now...

The last full day was spent visiting Hollywood Studios, a ride to mention here ‘Tower of Terror’ which is basically a whole bunch of people strapped into seats in a make-shift elevator … which falls 13 stories, again and again and again! But wow, what a thrill!

The Tower of Terror
We managed to catch the 'Beauty and the Beast' show too, which for any girl that has dreamed of being a princess is a real treat. Belle was beautiful and sang like an angel. And of course she ended the finale wearing the iconic yellow dress inspired by the fairytale.

Belle and her prince
I got to catch the Idols finale too, which was pretty fun to see. I'm not totally sure how it works but I guess everyday the have a mini version of the popular tv show and choose a new winner each day. It was fun to sit in the seats and imagine what the atmosphere of an actual Idols finale would feel like.

The 'Idols' set
That night there was a firework and water show titled Fantasmic, it was a really pretty show! Unfortunately Florida had decided to not stick to its nickname of “the Sunshine State” and it has actually been pretty cold at night, so I ran around trying on various kitschy Disney inspired jerseys until I settled on a bomber jacket that managed to keep me warm enough for the show.

A small part of the Fantasmic show
Being our last night Karolin and I decided to do what we had been threatening to do the whole trip...swim in the hotel pool. Never mind the fact that, as previously mentioned, it was pretty cold in wonderful place called Florida. We did a pretty quick swim I must say, but at least we have pictures to prove we did we never died of hypothermia which is definitely a bonus!

Midnight swim
Monday was our last day at Disney but as we only had a half day some of the girls and I headed to Disney Quest which is an interact theme park. My favourite ride was one where you create your own rollercoaster on a computer …then ride your own rollercoaster! Kind of scary, but really fun!

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