Saturday, January 30, 2010

Disney Time… with roller coaster rides

The Friday morning was the first full day of our Disney trip which started at Animal Kingdom; I’m not going to go through each ride we went on…so all you need to know is we had an amazing time! I also discovered that apparently I pull really funny faces while on roller coasters.

Yip, thats me in the yellow and green shirt
We watched the Lion King show which was really good. We were seated in the Elephant section which really doesn't mean anything, but I thought I should add that. We also watched a Finding Nemo show, and since it's one of my favourite kids movie I was really excited to see the show. I thought it was well done and took the opportunity to take as many pictures as possible.

Finding Nemo, Nemo's tank

Next we headed to Epcot, which was totally awesome! One ride that I have to mention is ‘Soaring’ where you are sitting in the ride that ‘flies’ you over California, you feel like you are in a hand glider…it was so much fun! Later that night we headed to the countries of Epcot, where we watched a laser/firework show that was done over the water, in front of Asia, spectacular! After that we headed towards ‘Norway’ where we took a scenic tour on a little boat…it was very cute! We also went shopping at the different "countries" I brought a super cute top from 'America'. It was really lovely to see what each different country has to offer. I was a little disappointed that there was nothing that remotely resembled South African cuisine.

Shopping at Epcot

On Saturday we went to Magic Kingdom and all things fairytale inspired. There were lots of fun rides, a street parade and of course a show titled ‘dreams come true’ and in true Disney style it had us all believing in the magical power of dreams!

Ah, Disney magic
One of the rides we went on was a "Safari" type of ride, there were 4 other South Africans in the 'jeep' with me. We spent probably about 50% of the tour debating weather the animals we saw were real or not. I'm still not convinced. In fact I know the elephants were NOT real, the other animals...I'm not so sure.

The fake Disney elephants

We later watched the electrical parade, which was a festival of lights that had me thinking about the load shedding in SA…and how this would truly mess with the magic of Disney…but of course no load shedding here! Although some of the carts did run out of battery power near the end and had to be towed!

Cinderella and her Prince
*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page

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