Monday, February 15, 2010

Moving on and meeting up with my host family…

On the 3rd of Feb I caught a bus to Naples (Florida) where I met up with my host family. We spend about 8 days in Naples, which is a relaxed little coastal town. It is very quiet (there are lots of old people there) so it was a stark contrast to Miami! Anyway this part of the vacation was very relaxing and I really enjoyed it, unfortunately it wasn’t as warm as everyone told me Florida would be, but considering there was still snow on the ground in Milwaukee and I was able to wear only one layer of clothing at any given time…I can’t exactly complain.

AJ the 'mermaid'

Another first for me was watching the Super bowl. I felt very American for a moment, then I realized not only did I have no idea what was going on, how the Super bowl worked...or even who was playing. After a few annoying questions I figured out the Colts (Indianapolis) played the Saints (New Orleans) and lost 17-31. You are supposed to drink beer, eat wings and watch football...well I tried. Although I'm not sure I make a very good American.

Beer, Wings and Football. Am I doing it right?

We then made a pretty uneventful road trip (back) to Disney; the only things of mentionable worth are…my host mom almost getting peed on while trying to change Braden’s diaper in a moving vehicle, oh and Annabel almost puking on me…ewwww!

Finn and Braden ready to travel
Dave and Amanda had a medical conference at Disney, so I worked most of the time I was there, but it was still fun because we stayed in a different hotel than we did the first time I was there. The Contemporary is the only hotel that the monorail runs through, so it was really fun to watch. We also eat at T-Rex again, which was fun and the kids enjoyed it.

Finn and I in Disney

Valentine’s Day was not the romantic, flowers and frills day it’s supposed to be, and instead it was spent on an airport flying back to Milwaukee, then waiting at the airport for 2 hours while the airport connection service tried to find a taxi big enough to take us all home. We never drive to the airport as the bigger of the two cars that we have can fit exactly two host parents, a three year old, a set of twins, an au pair and a double stroller, while this is perfect for day trips it leaves no space for luggage! Finally arriving home at 8pm, I was so ready for my bed!

Just hanging out with Mickey

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