Saturday, May 7, 2011

For a good cause...

Last year I ran/walked the 5km Cancer walk with the support of three of my friends and the twins since I was working that day. It went really well as the boys were in the stroller most of the time we let them try to walk the last stretch.

Kor, Tamara, Robyn and Sanja with
Finn and Braden

This year I offered to take the boys with me as I wanted to do the walk again. Tyler and Nina were the only brave souls that offered to join me. We got the boys ready and even asked Amanda’s permission to dress them in their sisters smallest pink tees. They were looking awfully cute in the dungarees. We got to the Discovery world, registered and made our way to the start (this took at least an hour).

Braden, Finn and Tyler
The boys were really settled for the first 10 minutes, then they decided that they wanted to actually walk, which is usually fine but when you have a large group of people all trying to walk in a confined space in a predetermined direction, with all their strollers and dogs. So we settled for letting them walk on the grass around the big groups of people and occasionally we gave them the best view from a top of our shoulders. I think we all did really well considering we did the walk, raised money and looked after three kids (Yes, Tyler is included in that, although he did a really good job of pushing the stroller)

Nina and I giving the boys a free ride

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