Friday, May 13, 2011

The 4 faces...

Once we arrived in Keystone we headed straight  for Mt Rushmore, as we wanted to make sure we go a day and night view. I must say it's really strange to see something for real that you have seen so many times before on postcards, tv shows and in books. The faces arre huge! But they don't seem as big as they should from where you view them. I expected them to be from the ground to the clouds, but they are perched in the side of a gigantic mountan, not reaching even close to the ground. None the less it was still reallly impressive!

Mt Rushmore, SD

The night show was interesting to watch us we were sitted on pavillion steps looking up towards the Mt, then it grew dark and they were almost out of view. There was a video shown on a big screen all about how the faces were made and why those 4 people were choosen to be sculpted on the face of the mountain. Then we watched the lowering of the flag, the folding of the flag and a few other American tradtions.

The 4 faces
Then they turned on the lights, which take a while to show their full power so we slowly got to see the faces being lit up. I have to admit it was really beautiful to see, one in a life time experience...although glitter (maybe shooting out of their noses?) would have really completed this magical moment.

Mt Rushmore by night

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