Friday, May 13, 2011

Crazy American sights to see...

The Friday morning we woke up early and headed to Keystone, SD. It was an 8 hour drive, but a pretty entertaining one as there are the weirdest sculptures, signs and shops lining the roads so this kept me and my camera extremely busy.

This was my favourite!
On your drive we saw an information center which was located close to corn Palace which we had seen advertised for many miles. We decided to do a gas stop there, as well as a tourist stop. After finding out as much out the area as we could and collecting copouis amounts of tourist information we headed to the Corn Palace. Which is a huge brick building decorated with huge corn made murals. Apparently they change the theme every so often, but of course we were there to see the American Pride installations. It was pretty amazing to see how creative people can be with food.

Outside the Corn Palace, SD

We made a detour to go through the Badlands of South Dakota, which are so amazingly beautiful! It is certainly picture paradise, as there are so many viewing points along the 20 miles or so of the National park. We got to see prairie dogs which remind me of dassies.

The Badlands, SD

Then we continued our journey to see the 4 faces...after a stop at Wall Drug, which is a drug store that has expanded to included a few other shops, a cafe and a chapel with an old almost Western feel. They have signs advertising free ice water (which is how the got famous) as well as an array of other goodies, this itself is not strange, but the fact that the signs start like 150 miles away from the actual shop, no matter which way you are coming from.
Wall Drug Store Sign...

Another Wall Drug Store Sign...
*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page

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