Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shake your body like a Belly Dancer...

With my Belly dancing debut (in America) coming up I decided to get some inspiration by attending a Belly Dance show. I thought it would be a good idea to invite my friends before I realized now they would be comparing me to a professional the entire duration of my dance show. Anyway we soldiered on getting a group of 6 of us to attend the show, it was really fun to watch some dancing and it got me excited for my show!

Performing my solo

Afterwards we went out, where my friends decided they would show me a little something something on the dance floor, hmm I see I have some competition.

Out with the girls

Finally the day I have been awaiting for arrived, it marked not only my 2 years since leaving South African soil but also the Belly Dance show. Ah, the 31st of May! A worked most of the day which meant I was too busy cleaning up apple sauce and mac and cheese to be worried about nerves. But once Amanda got home and I headed to the hall the butterflies began to set in. I was doing 2 solos, 3 group dances and had a group of about 15 people coming to watch me (Amanda and kids included.)

Lotus pose
The show went well even though I made a few mistakes,  I really enjoyed my time on stage and to see the support from all my friends was wonderful! The best moments had to be when I glanced at my 'fan row' and notice Braden dancing to the music and trying to imitate everything we were doing on stage, as well as AJ trying to get her shimmey on after the show once we opened the stage to all the kids (and adults) that wanted to shimmy, shake and isolate.

Nina and Braden watching the show

Saturday, May 28, 2011


When a story begins with "When we went to the Belly Up bar" you know it's going to be an interesting story. So with that...

When we went to Belly Bar to celebrate Kevin and Tyler's last night in their apartment, Karabo and I were ready for a fun time as we have heard many a Belly Up story and were eager to create a few of our own. Thank fully the bar is within walking distance from their apartment so no one had to worry about driving home. Tyler failed to mention the walk was through a muddy nature trail...luckily I was prepared with beads that are super bright that you can never miss them, and I brought a flashlight and mace just in case!

The girls at Belly Up
Many happy and funny memories came from this experience, some that I will never forget!

Like the shower dance...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A few more things to see...

Next we drove out to Crazy horse monument, which is visible from the road. It is still incomplete, but kind of interesting to look at anyway.

Crazy Horse Monument
We decided to eat dinner at a little place opposite Wall Drug, before driving back to Mitchell, SD, where the Corn Palace was.

The Street opposite Wall Drug Store
Lastly on Sunday morning we made a brief stop in Sioux Falls. Which is a town­-city based around a beautiful (but smelly) waterfall-rock structure. It made for a good stop before our 7 hour drive  back to Milwaukee.

Sioux Falls, SD

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Meeting cute animals...

Our last morning in Keystone involved a trip to Custer State park where we got to see Buffalo, like real ones! That were tamed enough that we were able to take up close and personal pictures of them.

We also got to meet a few donkeys that strolled across the road in the hopes of finding food and friends. The State park was beautiful and we saw a bunch of interesting animals.

Donkey friends...
We also got to drive on Needles Highway which is really amazing as it is sprinkled with tiny one way tunnels where you passes through what looks like the eye of a needle.

A one way tunnel on Needles Highway

We also found what was probably the last remaining (reachable) bit of snow in SD.

And it snowed a little while we were there

Friday, May 13, 2011

The 4 faces...

Once we arrived in Keystone we headed straight  for Mt Rushmore, as we wanted to make sure we go a day and night view. I must say it's really strange to see something for real that you have seen so many times before on postcards, tv shows and in books. The faces arre huge! But they don't seem as big as they should from where you view them. I expected them to be from the ground to the clouds, but they are perched in the side of a gigantic mountan, not reaching even close to the ground. None the less it was still reallly impressive!

Mt Rushmore, SD

The night show was interesting to watch us we were sitted on pavillion steps looking up towards the Mt, then it grew dark and they were almost out of view. There was a video shown on a big screen all about how the faces were made and why those 4 people were choosen to be sculpted on the face of the mountain. Then we watched the lowering of the flag, the folding of the flag and a few other American tradtions.

The 4 faces
Then they turned on the lights, which take a while to show their full power so we slowly got to see the faces being lit up. I have to admit it was really beautiful to see, one in a life time experience...although glitter (maybe shooting out of their noses?) would have really completed this magical moment.

Mt Rushmore by night

Crazy American sights to see...

The Friday morning we woke up early and headed to Keystone, SD. It was an 8 hour drive, but a pretty entertaining one as there are the weirdest sculptures, signs and shops lining the roads so this kept me and my camera extremely busy.

This was my favourite!
On your drive we saw an information center which was located close to corn Palace which we had seen advertised for many miles. We decided to do a gas stop there, as well as a tourist stop. After finding out as much out the area as we could and collecting copouis amounts of tourist information we headed to the Corn Palace. Which is a huge brick building decorated with huge corn made murals. Apparently they change the theme every so often, but of course we were there to see the American Pride installations. It was pretty amazing to see how creative people can be with food.

Outside the Corn Palace, SD

We made a detour to go through the Badlands of South Dakota, which are so amazingly beautiful! It is certainly picture paradise, as there are so many viewing points along the 20 miles or so of the National park. We got to see prairie dogs which remind me of dassies.

The Badlands, SD

Then we continued our journey to see the 4 faces...after a stop at Wall Drug, which is a drug store that has expanded to included a few other shops, a cafe and a chapel with an old almost Western feel. They have signs advertising free ice water (which is how the got famous) as well as an array of other goodies, this itself is not strange, but the fact that the signs start like 150 miles away from the actual shop, no matter which way you are coming from.
Wall Drug Store Sign...

Another Wall Drug Store Sign...
*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Half way there...

I had a long weekend off in May and Tyler offered to be my ever faithful roadtrip buddy and plan a trip to South Dakota, home of Mt Rushmore. We left Milwaukee Thurday night after work and drove the 7 hours to Fairmont, Minnesota. This was just our half way stop and not a destination stop as we have previously been to MN.

Fairmont, MN

Saturday, May 7, 2011

For a good cause...

Last year I ran/walked the 5km Cancer walk with the support of three of my friends and the twins since I was working that day. It went really well as the boys were in the stroller most of the time we let them try to walk the last stretch.

Kor, Tamara, Robyn and Sanja with
Finn and Braden

This year I offered to take the boys with me as I wanted to do the walk again. Tyler and Nina were the only brave souls that offered to join me. We got the boys ready and even asked Amanda’s permission to dress them in their sisters smallest pink tees. They were looking awfully cute in the dungarees. We got to the Discovery world, registered and made our way to the start (this took at least an hour).

Braden, Finn and Tyler
The boys were really settled for the first 10 minutes, then they decided that they wanted to actually walk, which is usually fine but when you have a large group of people all trying to walk in a confined space in a predetermined direction, with all their strollers and dogs. So we settled for letting them walk on the grass around the big groups of people and occasionally we gave them the best view from a top of our shoulders. I think we all did really well considering we did the walk, raised money and looked after three kids (Yes, Tyler is included in that, although he did a really good job of pushing the stroller)

Nina and I giving the boys a free ride

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Brunchingtons Baby...

My friend Kelly is friends with a few people that work for a news station in Milwaukee (CBS 10) so occasionally we all meet up to do drinks or dinner or something. This time we decided to do a day time meeting and arranged a brunch. The meeting was dubbed the “Brunchingtons” and we went to a great little restaurant called Roots. The food was great and the 10 of us had a few good laughs. Mainly brought up when Eric asked me with a very serious reporter face “Don’t you ever just want to hook two homeless people up?” This in turn launched a great discussion about the best topics for reality tv shows that had not already been done to death. Wow, you people make me laugh!

Brunchingtons :)