Sunday, March 17, 2013

Another one?!

Friday night brought on movie night (Toy Story 3) for boys and I, and a luau for Annabel. It also brings Tamryn and our planned rusk making session. After putting all the kids to bed Tamryn and I started our rusk venture.

Firstly the recipe called for self-rising flour, since I hadn’t checked this fact out correctly, I only had all-purpose flour. Of course I have no idea if it’s the same thing so I asked my dear friend – Google. Google gave me a recipe for converting it. The rest of the recipe was in metric measurement (seriously America can you just catch up already?) Since we were using a measuring cup set, and a measuring spoon set, yup – Google was called upon again. We opened up all the app and pages we could to find conversions for ml to cups and mg to tablespoons and teaspoons.

The recipe seemed to turn out well, but still not OUMA rusk yummy. But no fears we have about three more recipes to try!

It’s finally bed time, after a long fun night. But not so soon, of course Braden decided he wanted to get sick. So I had to wash the second set of little boy sheets in two days, set up a make shift couch bed and then finally got to crawl into bed. 

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