Friday, February 17, 2012

Downtown and flashy buildings…

After dinner we drove downtown to see a little of the night life. The main area is the ‘Power and Lights District.’ Which is just as the name suggests, lots of lights! It was so pretty though, all bright and beautiful! Although I did think how sad it is that we have black outs and load shedding in South Africa but have millions of lights here – just cos they look pretty.

The power and lights district is one of the more famous entertainment centers in all of America, a lot of cities have even begun initiatives to copy this sort of format in their own cities (one of which we recently visited in Louisville, stay tuned for that story). That being said the district was started by a power and lighting company and took a area of the city that was run down and turned it into a very nice place for people to congregate.

Power and Lights...

The building that stood out the most to me was the Marriot which has millions of little lights on the outside which changed colours and made various designs, it was so cool. We must have stood outside just staring at the building for what felt like hours (although it definitely wasn’t cos its winter and I would have frozen, even in Kansas City’s slightly warmer weather).

This is the first time in my year+ knowing my girlfriend that I have seen her stand outside in the cold and not even be concerned with getting back inside, it was like watching a kid in a candy store as all the lights flashed and changed on this building and she sat and snapped photographs and videos. Of course seconds after finishing this activity though she was quickly ready to retreat to the warm car. 

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