Saturday, July 25, 2009

Time spent at the Jersey Shore ...

No, not that Jersey Shore...I am definitely not referring to the location of the trashy, "reality" TV show which is at present entering it's 4th season. Although I did tell my host parents I was going to tell everyone I went to the Jersey Shore, to which they replied... we took you to the nice part of Jersey!

Avalon, New Jersey
The week in Avalon was really great and it is a beautiful place BUT the most memorable experience was going to Wildwood, which is along the beach front and has lots of clothing stores, food stores and rollercoaster rides! So yes I rode the rollercoaster (and screamed like a little girl “we are gonna diiiiiiiieeee!!!”) but I went again and tried new ones too, so I guess I enjoy the near death experiences.

My first real rollercoaster!
The last few days in Avalon were spent traveling to the surrounding areas of Cape May and Ocean City. We played putt putt the one day, which apparently is not a good game for a 2 ½ year old to play as after the 5th hole Annabel started to ‘gently’ kick the golf ball, pick it up and moving it or just walk away from it. We flew back home on the Sunday and as sad as I was to be “leaving” our vacation, I was excited to get back to Wisconsin as I have become rather attached to my new home in the States, plus I’ve been told  summertime is the best time to be in Milwaukee. Oh and just so you know where I am staying…

Mini Golf in Stone Habour, NJ
I am in Whitefish Bay (the Village of) which is 10 minutes from Milwaukee (the closest city, and the county we are part of) and it is in Wisconsin (that’s the state aka WI) So “we” as in WI is known for its cheese, dairy products and beer – go figure!

The Wisconsin State Quarter (google image)
I have had a little beer here and must say, I am no fonder of US beer as I am of SA beer, I would love a Hunters Dry if anyone wants to send one? I did see Black Label the other day, I was actually so excited I brought it, it tasted pretty close to ours, but when I read the labeled I realized that it was brewed here, in Milwaukee, USA.

The other thing I realized the other day while scanning through a “Sa food shop in the Us” (I know it’s so lame) is that we have pretty awesome food in Sa! I spoke to Des my aunt and she knows what it is like to oogle the Sa wares and dream of braai’s with Savannas, pap en wors. I have yet to attend a BBQ, football game or thanksgiving celebration but I feel that in my 70 or so days in the US of A I have already experienced many things that will leave a lasting impression on me.

Hilde and I on Brady Street, WI
*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page

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