Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Meeting the cutest kids I know

One day while I was chatting to my mom on skype Braden and Finn woke up from their nap, and came down stairs. They were interested in who I was speaking to so I ‘introduced” them to my mom. Braden remarked, “Rara yous looking like your mom!” Finn just wanted me to teach him the names of ALL my family members. Then he was proud when he knew the difference between my older brother (Rayson) and my younger brother (Roic) and he thought that Riley and ‘Babecca’ had cool names.


 So I made sure there would be time for my mom to meet these cuties. We arrived at the house and it was so weird to show my mom where I had lived for 4 years. A part of my life up until now I had only been able to verbally explain, send pictures and give people ‘skype tours’ of. Now my mom was standing right there, meeting Braden, Finn and Annabel.

The kids acted shy at first but quickly warmed up to “Rara’s mom from Africa, Sue’. Annabel had tennis lessons so we took her there, and then went to Klode Park, one of my favourite places in Whitefish Bay.

Later that day we visited the Harley Davidson Museum. I have been previously but Tyler and my mom hadn’t. We also realized while we were there that although Harley had its 110 year anniversary, they do not do big celebrations in all the countries where they operate. In fact they had a total of 16 celebrations across the world. (5 in America, 2 in China, 1 in India, Malaysia, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, New Zealand, Austria, Australia and South Africa) One of the American ones was in Milwaukee and the South African one was in Margate! Both of our homes!

Riding a Harley

Riding a Harley

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