Sunday, November 11, 2012

Quirky Kids...

Kids have the habit of saying some of the funniest things, such as...

Braden was in the bathroom the other day, pants next to him on the floor. Underwear still on...and wet. I asked him if he peed in his pants he told me yes...I asked where (as in where he was when it happened, you have to watch out for puddles, ya know!) He replied it don't matter RaRa, it all melted away... (as in it had dried up...YUCK!)

Another Finn peed in his pants (ah, I love potty training) and when I asked why, he replied "I don't know know, the pee made me do it..."

Finn has a Superman shirt which he LOVES, unfortunately the other day when he went to pee he didn't realize it's kind of a big shirt and he never lifted it up which resulted on him peeing on his own shirt. I told him he had to take it off, and boy did that cause issues...

While at the nature center the one day Finn told me he could see all the ipads...I looked around very confused until I realized he meant lilly is corrupting kids!

Braden randomly remarked the other day that "my penis is so old." I have NO idea what this means or why he said it, but it made me laugh.

Finn, "Rara, why are you drinking milk?"
Me, "Er, cos I'm thirsty?"
Finn, "But you should rather drink wine." (Is that permission from a 3 year old?)

Finn's favourite thing to say is "very know" as in "I very know RaRa." So whenever I tell him something that is his reply, and I go through the moral dilemma of correcting him, or leaving it cos it's pretty cute.

Braden while playing with my hair the other day, suddenly started spitting. I asked him what the deal was and he said, "I got close to you, then I bited your hair off..." EW!

While talking about birthdays (AJ just turned 6!) Braden was telling me alll about what type of birthday party he is going to have. I asked if I was invited to his party and he said sure, then asked when my birthday was and if he could come. I replied, "25 January, are you free that day?" He told me, "No, I'm actually five." Even though he is only three.

The other day Braden told me that sometimes it rains when the sun is shining, I told him we call that a monkeys wedding, since monkeys are so silly. Later I walked up the bike rather and Braden turned to me, Rara did you walk up that path. I told him I had, and asked if it was silly, and he said yes that's why we call it a monkey path...HAHA

When I drive the boys home from school I get to hear the cutest things such as...
Braden, "God doesn't need a car."
Finn, "No, cos he can fly."
Braden, "Yeah, but that's cos he has a cape"

Braden, "Oh no Rara."
Me, "What''s wrong Braden?
Braden, "Well that boy lost Anna. he said we are going to lose her."

*While listening to the state song and hearing Louisiana*

Finn, "Why are we gone?"
Me, "What do you mean?"
Finn, " It said are you gone?"

*While listening to the state song and hearing Oregon."

Braden, "Did you know there is a Old York?"
Finn, "Yeah"
Braden, "But this song is about the New New York."

*While listening to 'New York, New York."

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