Friday, November 9, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

Any time you get 6 “big” kids together, give them knifes and spoons…you know it’s going to get messy! And that is how we spent most our night at Patrick and Jenny’s pumpkin carving party. After going our selecting only the best pumpkins we could find, we all decided on what designs we would aspire to carve into our pumpkins.

Preparing :)

We also saved the seeds, and gave the guys the job of roasting them, since they all finished their designs in about 20 minutes. The guys got creative and we ended up with about 6 different flavours of seeds. Yummy!

Mine is the second to last, and Tyler's is last :)
Patrick and Jenny also hosted a cookie making party. They were so prepared and even made the dough the day before, but when we arrived we found out that refrigerated dough is a lot harder than expected. Plan B was then to send Jenny and I to the shop again to buy more ingredients, and remake a batch of dough. 

The beginning
Tyler was set on warming up the first batch. So, by the time we were done we had way more cookies than expected, since the recipe had already been doubled.  The cookies were meant to be Christmas themed, however I could not help but make a few T-Rex, cowboy boots, and bid foot shaped cookies!


The pumpkin carving affair was quite the show, I think the guys finished their pumpkins in about 10-15 minutes, while the girls easily took twice that as they were set on more intricate designs. I guess you can tell who the creative ones are…

Boys "working" hard

As for cookies my job was mainly just to sit and look pretty, something I do VERY well :P … they gave me something simple that I could not screw up even if I tried, which is good because my baking skills are very limited. The good news is that I was able to be a taste tester at the end which is also something I do VERY well. 

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