Saturday, September 1, 2012

Onto SA-ville…

After breakfast the next day we headed to Rusk, TX. This is where all the South Africans gather to eat, drink and be South Africans. I love it!

On route to Texas we stopped in a place called Gunbarrel, TX where they were having a grand opening of their gas station. We even got a free hot dog and 50 cent  lemonade! Yum!

Once in Rusk we registered, and found a camp site. Then we quickly put up the tent (like professionals) and headed out to go find people. In which really fun although suddenly when people ask where you are from you aren’t sure if they are asking about South Africa or America. You also get to see where alliances lie, as Shark fans will always be Sharks fans…and Blou Bulle fans, well they can’t help that they don’t know better.

Home Sweet (away from) Home

That night ended with a boerewors dinner, vetkoek and sokkie dancing! And yes, if you’re wondering, I brought out the SA dress again. I am actually hoping to design a new one, so if anyone wants to help with ideas, sewing etc. LOL I would love that!!!

I was a little bit concerned about camping in that Texas heat, I figured I would be able to manage fitting in with the South African crowd as I was prepared by actually being in South Africa so I was able to at least speak a little bit knowledgeably  There was plenty of American jokes to go around, but I gained a lot of “street cred” when they found out that I had been to South Africa and loved it. Luckily enough that Texas heat that I was concerned about went away at night and actually made for a quite comfortable sleeping temperature the first night… then the next morning came…

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