Tuesday, September 4, 2012

OK City…

We drove through OK City and stopped to see the Memorial for the 1995 Oklahoma city bombing. The memorial is so beautiful, yet the story is so sad. Below I have included the explanation of the memorial…
Gates of Time
These monumental twin gates frame the moment of destruction – 9:02 a.m. – and mark the formal entrances to the Memorial. The East Gate represents 9:01 a.m. on April 19, and the innocence of the city before the attack. The West Gate represents 9:03 a.m., the moment we were changed forever, and the hope that came from the horror in the moments and days following the bombing.

Reflecting Pool
The pool occupies what was once N.W. Fifth Street. Here, a shallow depth of gently flowing water helps soothe wounds, with calming sounds providing a peaceful setting for quiet thoughts. The placid surface shows the reflection of someone changed forever by their visit to the Memorial.

Field of Empty Chairs
The 168 chairs represent the lives taken on April 19, 1995. They stand in nine rows to represent each floor of the building, and each chair bears the name of someone killed on that floor. Nineteen smaller chairs stand for the children. The field is located on the footprint of the Murrah Building.
Survivor Wall
On the east end of the Memorial stand the only remaining walls from the Murrah Building. These walls remind us of those who survived the terrorist attack, many with serious injuries. Today, more than 600 names are inscribed on salvaged pieces of granite from the Murrah Building lobby.

The Survivor Tree
The Survivor Tree, an American Elm, bore witness to the violence of April 19, 1995, and withstood the full force of the attack. Years later, it continues to stand as a living symbol of resilience. The circular promontory surrounding the tree offers a place for gathering and viewing the Memorial.

Rescuers' Orchard
Like the people who rushed in to help, this army of nut- and flower-bearing trees surrounds and protects the Survivor Tree. An inscription encircling the Survivor Tree facing the orchard reads: To the courageous and caring who responded from near and far, we offer our eternal gratitude, as a thank you to the thousands of rescuers and volunteers who helped.

Children's Area
In the aftermath of the blast, children from around the country and the world sent in their own expressions of encouragement and love. That care is represented today by a wall of tiles painted by children and sent to Oklahoma City in 1995. In addition, buckets of chalk and chalkboards built into the ground of the Children's Area give children a place where they can continue to share their feelings -- an important component of the healing process.
The Fence
The first Fence was installed to protect the site of the Murrah Building. Almost immediately, people began to leave tokens of love and hope on the Fence. Those items now total more than 60,000 and are collected and preserved in our archives. Today, more than 200 feet of the original Fence gives people the opportunity to leave tokens of remembrance and hope.

We also visited the State Capitol and the area called Bricktown.
Then we went to Earl’s ribs for lunch, it was delicious and super messy! Tyler was given a discount since he was wearing a Menomonee Falls Firefighters shirt, and the server thought he was a fireman. LOL
Now, onto Omaha, NE (Nebraska)…let’s go!

The Oklahoma City Bombing memorial was absolutely beautiful, it was a bit surreal for me because growing up in this country I remember the day that it happened and hearing the news and seeing all the photos. It is one of those things that as a kid those images are just stuck in your head forever. It is sad that at the time I was 8 years old and I can’t remember anything else from when I was 8 but those images are clear as day. Being at the actual site where everything happened gave me chills, but it was very neat to see that they had turned the area into a beautiful quiet area where people could go to reflect and feel at peace.

On a positive note Earl’s Rib’s was fantastic, I had read about the place online and knew that we had to stop. If anyone is a regular reader of our blog you will know that I have a soft spot for southern barbecue. 

The Capitol

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