Thursday, February 16, 2012

A trip to Des Moines, IA…

Another city, another state…and Tyler and I are ready to travel (and Blog! yes I am back...) again! We drove to Des Moines, Iowa for the night. I don’t remember too much about the drive down except…

Des Moines, IA

…One small part of the road trip…we took a wrong turn – thanks GPS :/ so once we tried to turn around and get back on track we headed up driving up a one way - the wrong way! Then we…wait to be honest I don’t know how we ended up in the right side of the right road as my eyes were firmly shut, so Tyler will have to spill on that!

Of course she doesn't remember much about the trip except the part where I make a mistake... very convenient... that being said we have now done quite a few road trips and I would guess well over 100 hours of driving together so if this is the first road trip error I have made then I will take it... that and nobody was harmed or even witnessed this event, so did it really happen?

Pretty Des Moines sculpture

Early-ish  on Friday morning we went for breakfast before heading out to Kansas City, MO…

The Surf Shack (no, we didn't eat here...we ate across from this place)

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