Saturday, February 18, 2012


An experience ALL basketball fans should drag their girlfriends to…the College Basketball experience. No jokes, it was fun! It’s an interactive museum where you can see the college teams, learn about coaching strategies as well as basketball plays.

Basketball fan or not this is a great 'museum' to visit, there is so much to do and see. Luckily I am a basketball fan and am training my fabulous significant other to learn to like the game. I think she is catching on well ;)

Vertical Leap

Little feet

There was also a place where you could practice our free throws, three points and practicing your passing. I sucked! I mean at all of them, but I enjoyed trying.

I have actually played basketball with her before with my friends, and I will say that for someone who hasn't ever played before she is actually quite good... she isn't as good as her boyfriend though :P

Free throws

Passing techniques

You could also measure you vertical leap, wing span and what height of rebound you could get. (I’m sure Tyler could explain this waaaay better than me though.)

So to try and quickly explain all of these things... Vertical leap is just a measure of how high you can jump, the had a place where you would stand flat footed, and reach as high as you could and press a button, after you did this they would have you jump as high as you can (starting flat footed, no running start) and the difference in height between the two is your vertical leap... if I recall we both had a 16 inch vertical... kind of sad considering college basketball players have up to 48 inch verticals :(

Wing Span is the measurement of how far you can stretch your arms out, this is an important measurement for basketball players as it helps playing defense and blocking shots.

As for your height its pretty self explanatory...  

In the hoop

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