Friday, November 11, 2011

Old friends...New state...

After many promises and many encouraging texts messages I decided to take Jena up on her word and finally visit her, Tom (her husband) and Garver (their 16 month old tot) in Columbus, Ohio. I met Jena in my first year in Wisconsin as she often helped Dave and Amanda out with babysitting the kids. When Jena left the state I made her a promise I would visit her before I went back to “deepest, darkest Africa.” This is being my second to last month in Wisconsin…and America, I decided to finally make good on my word. Arrangements were made and I let my boyfriend in on our weekend plans…

Wearing my travelling my socks...

5 hours of driving and we arrived in Indianapolis, IN where made a dinner stop at Fazoli’s, and met up with Tyler’s cousin Rachael. The food was great and it was fun getting to meet a little more of Tyler’s family. After the brief stop we got back on the road, Ohio bound…

We passed under a large bridge that proudly announced our arrival in Ohio, finally! I snapped a few pictures of the bridge and settled back into my seat and waited till we arrived at our final destination.  Not long afterwards we reached Jena’s house, I was ready to just sleep…but we got chatting and sleep was a little delayed, not a bad prices for friendship I suppose.

A little more driving

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