Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving thanks for…

Thanksgiving, time to eat, give thanks, watch football…and repeat. That’s just what I did! The morning started with watching the kids a little while Dave and Amanda got things together for what would be a great feast. Amanda’s parents were here from New Jersey so we had a little extra help and two more place settings at the table.

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!

Then I joined Tyler’s family for the first family feast, which included Turkey, bread, veggies and an array of desserts. All enjoyed while watching the Packers play (and win) and partaking in a few art activities (me…not Tyler.) It was great to be included in this family event and always good to see Tyler’s family.

Tyler and I at Thanksgiving 2011

Next we both headed to my house to join my host family for their feast. It was a delayed, which was perfect for us as we needed some time for our meal to digest. When the food was ready…so were we! Double the food, double the blessing, right? It was a lovely meal and great to spend time with my host family. 

I made AJ a Turkey costume

I'm thankful for moments like this...

and this...

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