Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reflections from the fish tank (my 2nd essay)

As I enter the elevator to take me to the Reiman aquarium, I begin to anticipate what scenes I would hold witness to in this underwater world of mystery. The elevator descends while a full panel fish tank ascends hinting at the layout of this sea creature habitat. I glance briefly at the fish swimming seemingly carefree, then I notice the jelly fish floating along and upon closer inspection I realize they also have a touch tank with rays, crabs and sharks.

I think they have arranged the layout of the aquarium really well; it is interesting from any angle and very interactive which kids, adults and adults that act like kids really enjoy. I think it would be a lovely environment to work in, and probably to live in too. I look closely at the fish; they seem happy, well as happy as a fish can look. I suppose you could never really tell with fish. I inspect the tank, and start to think of how controlled their worlds are, water temperatures are controlled by thermostats, meal times are scheduled and they look at the same angle of the same building, every day.

I begin to wonder how happy they really are. A wave of sadness comes over me, and I try desperately to remember the outside world I left only minutes ago, I try to recall the last images I saw. Then a wave of calmness covers me as if it were a blanket on a cold night. I remember the trees. They are changing their color from the summer greens to the most enchanting, rich shades of reds, golds and oranges. I remember the leaves of fall, those glorious colors, and the crunching noise they make when I step on them. I remember glancing out the windows across Lake Michigan, seeing the miles and miles of expanse that holds the water. Each drop contains a secret, of the fish swimming in the lake, of the shipwreck they once passed or of the day it was a rain drop. And with that I had entered this other world.
I begin to reel as I realize my seemingly carefree world is controlled, by me, by others, by the environment. I have no say as to when the leaves begin to change, or to what hues the sky will take on as the day progresses or even when the tides of Lake Michigan will be so low they will reveal little known secrets. I can’t always control the temperature I am subjected to, and occasionally meal time is not my decision to make. I begin to realize the similarities that I share with these cold blooded animals; there are certain parallels between living above and beneath the surface. This realization is beginning to set in. I wonder if the fish realize the difference between night and day. Do their tanks have hours of darkness, as we do, when the sun has set ending the day and opening the stage for the moon to perform its duties?

I look around at the fish as if begging answers from their pursed pouts, but I notice there are around 10 silvery eyes ogling me. I feel as though I have become the fish neatly contained in a tank. I look at my feet; beneath them is a thick layer of glass, which is all that separates me from them. My sides are incased with walls of transparent entrapment. I look above me, hoping this will be my saving grace, however above me is the final piece of the puzzle enclosing my dream of freedom.  

I know this is only temporary though standing in this glass aquarium tunnel. However I cannot escape the fish tank that is earth. Where each of us is swimming in our own pattern, hoping to make something of this environment we find ourselves in. Of course think we are different from the fish; we have choices we can make to decide where we go, to decide which path to take and control our destiny. Although in their own way so do the fish, they choose to swim left instead of right, up instead of down, forwards instead of backwards. I guess the difference between us is the scale of our tanks, and I am happy with mine, I think Earth is a big enough tank for me to have the opportunities to reach my full potential.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving thanks for…

Thanksgiving, time to eat, give thanks, watch football…and repeat. That’s just what I did! The morning started with watching the kids a little while Dave and Amanda got things together for what would be a great feast. Amanda’s parents were here from New Jersey so we had a little extra help and two more place settings at the table.

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!

Then I joined Tyler’s family for the first family feast, which included Turkey, bread, veggies and an array of desserts. All enjoyed while watching the Packers play (and win) and partaking in a few art activities (me…not Tyler.) It was great to be included in this family event and always good to see Tyler’s family.

Tyler and I at Thanksgiving 2011

Next we both headed to my house to join my host family for their feast. It was a delayed, which was perfect for us as we needed some time for our meal to digest. When the food was ready…so were we! Double the food, double the blessing, right? It was a lovely meal and great to spend time with my host family. 

I made AJ a Turkey costume

I'm thankful for moments like this...

and this...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Morning Market…

Breakfast on our last day (Sunday) was spent at North Market, which if you are ever in Columbus is a must! It’s basically an indoor flea market, where you can shop as well as satisfy your appetite. We all went our separate ways in order to acquire something yummy for breakfast and later all met up on the top floor to eat our breakfast.

North (Breakfast) Market

Later we walked around till we found some delicious looking ice-cream and finished all a great meal with chocolate treats.

And the loooooooong drive home begins….

Home to Wisconsin!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Yummy food and a movie at the mall…

The next day Tyler and I headed to Easton Mall (which is a pretty outdoor mall) where we feasted on a lovely breakfast from Cosi. Then I got to pick the movie. The Help is a wonderful movie, which I would definitely recommend *sob* just bring tissues!

Easton mall mural

We took a drive around downtown and finally ended up in the Arena District where we met up with Jena, Tom and Garver for dinner. It’s always fun to eat dinner at a restaurant which a 16 month old around haha!

Jena and Garver (cute ha?)

Tyler and I had tickets for the NHL game later that night which was between the Ohio Blue Jackets and the Canadian Winnipeg Jets. This meant we had to listen to the national anthems of both countries and then game time! Neither of us are big hockey fans so we weren’t  too concerned about the outcome however it was really fun to watch…plus we got free hats. Whoop Whoop!

The beginning of the game

We ended the night with a drink (or two) at the Goat, a really nice bar pretty close to Jena’s house. Ohio fun night success!

The Arena District

Friday, November 11, 2011

Old friends...New state...

After many promises and many encouraging texts messages I decided to take Jena up on her word and finally visit her, Tom (her husband) and Garver (their 16 month old tot) in Columbus, Ohio. I met Jena in my first year in Wisconsin as she often helped Dave and Amanda out with babysitting the kids. When Jena left the state I made her a promise I would visit her before I went back to “deepest, darkest Africa.” This is being my second to last month in Wisconsin…and America, I decided to finally make good on my word. Arrangements were made and I let my boyfriend in on our weekend plans…

Wearing my travelling my socks...

5 hours of driving and we arrived in Indianapolis, IN where made a dinner stop at Fazoli’s, and met up with Tyler’s cousin Rachael. The food was great and it was fun getting to meet a little more of Tyler’s family. After the brief stop we got back on the road, Ohio bound…

We passed under a large bridge that proudly announced our arrival in Ohio, finally! I snapped a few pictures of the bridge and settled back into my seat and waited till we arrived at our final destination.  Not long afterwards we reached Jena’s house, I was ready to just sleep…but we got chatting and sleep was a little delayed, not a bad prices for friendship I suppose.

A little more driving

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Birthday Parties, chocolate cake and wound up 5 year olds…

AJ recently turned 5! Which is scary to think of considering she was 2 ½ when I arrived here! Since AJ’s birthday is Halloween weekend, we decided to wait a week to celebrate with all her friends. This also happens to be my host family’s anniversary weekend.

Braden and I at AJ's party

Luckily we found a company that sorts out almost everything for the party, and it has a gymnastic area so the kids were well entertained! It was fun to hang out with the youngsters, but add a little sugar and things get a little crazy. *cue attention diversion* Over all it was a successful day, and I had … I mean the kids had fun!

AJ and her best friend John