Friday, October 14, 2011

Marquette madness…

My boyfriend loves and supports Marquette, which is a local college in Milwaukee.  They have a ceremony at the beginning of the season in which they introduce the new Marquette team to the fans. They also bring back some old players to rev up the fans and remind us how great Marquette is…well I by think that the idea…
Marquette madness apparently means waiting outside for 2 hours while said boyfriend and another couple stand outside in the chilling wind till the doors to the gym open and we are able to enter into this part of Marquette history. I was ready! (Mainly cos I was chilled to the bone, and it’s not even winter yet!)

Tyler and I with the Marquette Golden Eagle

Once we had found our seats (which the boys had carefully chosen, due their position…across from the big screen, close to the court, and at the right angle to see the tunnel.) The women’s basketball team introduces their starting lineup and has a chance to showcase their talents. Then it’s the men’s turn, each player has a special introduction and then they enter the court, to the applause of the crowd.

Marquette's coach Buzz Williams *singing Sweet Caroline* (Google image)

I was excited to see all these players my boyfriend keeps geeking out about. It was really fun to see all the guys and to watch them practice a little. Then they upped the game and introduced some of the past players…Lazar Hayward, Jimmy Butler, Wesley Matthews, Steve Novak  and Dwayne Wade…The boys were boy crushing, while Kaelyn and I were learning to accept the fate that is ours till the end of basketball season.

Marquette guys playing some ball

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