Monday, October 31, 2011


So my favourite time of year has arrived. Halloween in fall! It’s the best because the temperature is mild (for Wisconsin) and the leaves are all turning…it’s beautiful! This is only true however, if you are not planning on trick or treating and it begins to rain. If it does it slowly becomes a non-fun, wet, candy searching escapade…and you never even notice the leaves then!

Bruno *Megan Brunner* Mars and I
I suppose I should begin at the beginning of the weekend, which actually started out really well. Tyler’s mom planned a Halloween party. The party was held outside, around a giant bonfire. The weather was perfect for it. We started the night with haunted hayrides, warm food and ended with toilet papering trees and special *cauldron* treats.

Toilet papering a tree...

Halloween was on Monday this year, so we went trick or treating on Sunday. As I have already complained about – it was raining and cold. Braden dressed up as a lion, Finn as Eeyore and Annabel as I princess. After much walking and candy grabbing (after which they said *thank you* of course) we decided to call it quits and headed to the warmth of the house. All in all, it was a pretty successful weekend, regardless of the weather!

How cute are these kids?!?!

AJ and I 

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