Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day of school...first day of school...

This has been a week of first school days for everyone, including me. I felt like Nemo (in finding Nemo) getting all excited about this new adventure I was embarking on, admittedly that makes me sound like a dork, but whatever. So the boys (Braden and Finn) started their preschool, which they attend Tues, Weds and Thurs for most of the day, which means the house is eerily quiet, tidy and I miss them! Annabel started going to Audubon Nature School Mon, Weds and Fridays, in the morning and K4 (kindergarten) Monday through Friday in the afternoons, which means my life has become car pools, play dates, and packing lunches. “My” car has now turned into a mass of car seats to accommodate car pool kids, as well as art projects that I keep forgetting to take into the house. Lastly I started school, I am beginning with classes that would eventually lead me to a business degree, so I have English 201 Tues and Thursday mornings, Math 10- I never understand what’s going on, Tues and Thurs nights, Psych 199 on Friday mornings and Business Management online (so pretty much whenever I’m not working or in class.)

I am really enjoying my classes so far, and have even achieved some good grades on my quizzes, tests and assignments…so wish me luck!

Look how big the kids have gotten...

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