Sunday, September 11, 2011

Block Party…in Whitefish Bay…

Our neightbourhood decided that it was about time that we had a “block party”, which is where they close off a section of the road in the neighbourhood and all the people from the roads/streets in your immediate neighbourhood all come together for a night of games, food and festivities. Amanda (my host mom) was part of the block party committee and helped to arranged everything. The committee had chosen a Saturday afternoon to gather everyone together, which turned out to be a lovely September day. 

Aj and I and our "artwork"

The firemen arrived in a big fire truck and allowed the children to have turns “driving” it. There were plenty of games set up for the kids to play, and a keg of beer for the adults to drink so everyone was happy. Tyler joined us near the end of the party after his Granma’s birthday party, and got to play with the boys a little. I believe he even lucky enough to have Finn drool on his heads while he was letting him sit on his shoulder, that doesn’t seem fair but anyway.

Hanging out with the boys :)

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