Sunday, October 10, 2010

A second wedding…and a beautiful beach…

This post comes from New Jersey where I went for my host mom (Amanda’s) brother (Zach’s) wedding. He got married in a lovely town called Cape May, which is where my host parents got married 6 years ago. I keep telling my host family that I am going to tell my family and friends we went to “Jersey Shore” which is the place where a trashy reality TV show, which I would liken to a train wreck, it is pretty bad…but you just can’t help but watch, is filmed! They keep telling me that I can’t say that, cos they took me to the ‘nice part of Jersey”. If you read any of my posts from last year, Cape May is pretty close to Avalon where I went just after I arrived in the States, all those months ago… The wedding was beautiful! Annabel and the boys had feature roles as flower girl and ring bearers, they were amazing cute! The boys even wore mini tuxes. We were in the Cape for 5 days and it was so nice to walk along the beach with the sun shining, and knowing that Wisconsin is on the verge of winter freeze made it so much more enjoyable!

Zach and Erica with the 3 boys

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