Sunday, October 24, 2010

Reunited friends…

Michelle who is a fellow South African au pair that I flew over with (and visited in Virginia) last year, had been promising to come visit me for awhile now and with just 2 months left on her contract, we finally set a date. Julia and I met her in Chicago, and true to Chicago style it was windy, rainy and cold! 

Windy cold Chicago, IL

Which isn’t great for sightseeing and picture taking, but not too deterred we marched around the city or I should say sloshed around the city, taking in its beautiful sights. Included in our self guided tour was Millennium Park, Navy Pier, the Hancock Tower and of course deep dish pizza. 

Deep dish pizza

Which is probably not very good for you…but who cares cos it tastes so good. I would say it is best described as a pie of pizza, with plenty of cheese! We were scheduled to return to Milwaukee on the last train out of Chicago, but that never happened as something was wrong with the train, so they ordered buses for us instead, which they cancelled when they though the train was fixed…and then had to re-order when the determined the train was not fixed. Um, if you are having that many problems with the train I don’t want to ride it, thanks! So instead of arriving in Milwaukee at 9:30, we arrive at 12:30…ready to crash!

The girls at Navy Pier, IL

The next day I drove Michelle around the pretty city and took her to all my favourite places, she really loved the city and that just reminded me how lucky I am to have chosen such a lovely State to au pair in!

Michelle and I at Bradford Beach

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