Monday, August 3, 2009

The Windy City...

Summer is leaving us, which is pretty sad as I have really enjoyed summer time in Milwaukee. However the leaves are all starting to turn gorgeous red, and gold and slowly starting to fall. It is a wonderful season that we don’t see very often in South Africa…But it also means that winter is sneaking up on me! Since I have been here (4 months) clothing has doubled in thickness, to prepare for fall, I bet by the time winter is here I am going to be wearing my whole wardrobe just to leave the house (that’s if we not snowed in!)

Apple picking with AJ (one of the first really cold day)
A while back in Aug a fellow South African au pair – which I met during orientation, and who was with me for the 18 hour flight, of which she cried for 10 hours of it - and I decided to meet up in Chicago. She is staying in Boston, so this means she had a long journey, which she decided to do via bus (25 hours later…) I also went but bus a mere 3 hours in comparison. We had to run to catch the metro going to Glenview, where one of Ravashnie’s school friends (also an au pair) was fetching us. After arriving at Angie’s house, meeting the kids and her host mom, she was asked to baby-sit…I was like “are you kidding me???” I came to Chicago to baby-sit? My first night ever in Chicago was spent baby-sitting 4 over active kids, eventually the host dad came home so we decided to go out (just to drive around and see some night sights.) Another au pair (a Brazilian girl) met up with us, and we went for a drive, everything around us was closed except Walgreens (which is sort of like a Clicks) so we brought ice cream and ate it in the parking lot. After that we decided to rather go home and get an early night so we could be ready for sightseeing the next day. Unfortunately her host mom had arrived home and … locked the door! We arrived back home ready for sleep not quite dressed warmly enough for the chilly Chicago night only to discover that we were locked out! Angie had a key for the door, but not the screen door which was also locked! The Brazilian girl had dropped us off and left, so we were outside in the freezing our bums off! Ravash phoned Carla and told her to come back, so at least we could sit in a warm car while we plotted on how to break into the house. Nothing like 3 South African’s and a problem, you know what they say… ‘n boer maak a plan!

Ravashnie, Angie and I
After at least 3 hours of frantically phoning her host parents, breaking into the host dad’s car and garage, Carla’s car battery dying as well as the garage door battery …we were finally safe and sound, snuggly in bed J Needless to say we were super tired the next day, but did our fair share of sightseeing, when Ravashnie and I got on the bus Milwaukee-bound we were finished!

Me by Millenium Park Cloud Gate (aka The Bean)
*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page

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