Saturday, August 1, 2009

Feeling like a Ninja...

Some people reading this blog may have been to America, and a few may live in America…well this next post is for your entertainment, for those of you that have never been here (to the USA), don’t laugh-this is serious stuff! So America is a first world country with all the fancy bits and bobs…this includes automated, well, everything. When you go into a bathroom cubicle you are in actual fact facing a room that probably has just as much intelligence as you. The toilet has a sensor so it “knows” when you sit down, and once you stand up it “waits” like 5 seconds and then automatically flushes. I don’t know about you, but that kind of freaks me out, like what if I don’t move out the way fast enough? Then after wrestling with the toilet timing structure, you have the taps! This can be a tricky dance of its own. You wave your hand under the sensor of the hand soap, catch the soap, rub hands together, then hold them under the tap, but be careful not to move your hands away from the sensor otherwise the water stops. I have got the hang of this by now BUT, on one occasion I was helping Annabel (the girl I look after) to wash her hands. Picture this I’m holding her up and she has her hands under the tap – and it’s not working, so she waving at the tap, still no water, I start waving at the tap (one arm still around her) and no still no water…so we keep waving…only to discover that this is the ONE human operated tap left in Wisconsin.) Finally I find out how to activate it (push down hard) but this only renders a 5 second sprinkle, so it’s hold child, push tap, hold child again, push tap again…next dry hands. After looking for a button we realized that this was a standard “American” hand waving sensor paper towel dispenser!

Annabel and I (at a library fun day)

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