Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rocking out in Milwaukee…

There is a lot of music festivals and music acts that make their way to Milwaukee, which is pretty cool and means that I have got to see a few of my favs. Recently (in June o9) I attended a Bamboozle Roadshow which is a day/night festival. The bands I caught were All Time Low, Good Charlotte and Third Eye Blind…which was pretty amazing! It was at a place called the Rave, which is also where I watched an Angels and Airwaves concert (one of their members is also a member of Blink 182, so they have the same kind of feel to their music, which is great)

Meeting some of the bands after the show
The next music event I attended was Summerfest, which is the “World’s largest music festival”, which including 11 days of music on 11 different stages. The opening day of Summerfest was the 24th and we watched Colbie Caillat, there was a group of us girls (all au pairs) it was an amazing concert, as she has an amazing voice and wonderful stage presence. The next concert we saw was Less Than Jake (their genre is Ska punk) which I was going to see by myself, until Tamara found out and told me she was coming too.

The beautifully talented Colbie Cailat

This wouldn’t have been such a big deal BUT this was the day after the wedding where we were nearly run off the road by a truck, my dance partner almost dropped me, the groom’s mother bumped into me causing me to drop my glass (in the middle of the dance floor) and Tamara drove the hour home in pouring rain at 5am in the morning… So it goes without saying that we were extremely tired and having the kids playing early in the morning meant we never got to sleep in very long! But yes, that’s why her commitment meant so much to me! The concert was really fun, and true to punk myself I sang while jumping and trying to balance on a pretty small bench! (And of course almost fell off a few times)

Less Than Jake rocking out!

The next night (yip Summerfest time is NOT known for being a restful 11 days) we attended a Pitbull concert (they are a group that sing predominately in Spanish, and since a large majority of the girls are Latino, there was a large group of us) Tamara and I arrived together and decided to stop for ice cream…and that’s kind of where my next adventure began…so we walk up to this ice cream place, I decided that I wasn’t happy with the choice of ice creams as everything was super milky (and I prefer sorbets) which is actually ironic cos that’s what I ended up with, but anyway we decided to go to another ice cream cart…where we were served by a nice guy. He immediately asked us where we were from, some of his family lives very close to where Tamara is from in Germany, plus he does German dancing (he was actually volunteering to raise money for his dance group) so they had a lot to talk about…and I kind of just waited around…eventually I chipped in that SA was also an awesome country, and that started a long conversation about the world cup soccer and a little more about Germany. Finally our conversation ended up at music (being that we were at a music festival that makes sense) and for some reason he told us that he had gone to a Justin Bieber (eeny meeny mo lover) concert with his brother and sister…kind of dorky I admit but really funny because Tamara and I had considered going to concert with her host kid, but she had told me she refused to dance to J.Bieber in public and would prefer to remain a closest Bieber fan (or we could dance in the bathroom.)

Liz, Sandri, Tamara, Arati and I

Tamara and I also attended an Usher concert which was O.M.G… we had so much fun! We were jammin’ to all the songs we knew, and making our own remixes for the ones we didn’t. That’s typical Robyn and Tamara style.

Usher :)

The last concert we attended was an Offspring concert which was totally great! We went with a group of guys (ice-cream boy included) and girls and although not everyone knew each other, everyone still had a really good time! After we went to bar on North Ave, where we found out it was Karaoke night…of course Tamara, Nadine and I HAD to go up and show the Americans our German/South African version of “Dooooooooooooooon’t stop! Belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeving….Hold on to that feeeeeeling” I decided to save everyone’s ears and rather sing back up…with dance moves of course J Thankfully that was a tame night that ended before 1am…well not before Nadine almost drove down a one way…in a busy intersection! Heart attack!

This is how we look when we are jamming to "don't stop believing"

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