Friday, July 2, 2010

3 girls, a minivan and a flat…

In my first month in Wisconsin I heard about a Jelly Bean Factory Tour, which I thought would be kind of fun to go to. Tamara’s host kid Fiona, had been asking Tamara if she could take her on the tour. We found a Friday that I was off and decided that would be perfect for a little road trip to Pleasant Prairie. Everything was going well until something flew off the truck that was in front of us and hit our front passenger tire.  Both of us just looked at each other a little freaked out, and then we realized … we had a flat! Stuck on the highway, 3 girls, a minivan and a flat! We pulled over and phoned Andy (Tamara’s host dad) who told us he would come and help us, but could only get to us within the hour, or we could try changing it ourselves. Thinking we have seen this on movies and tv a ton of times, it shouldn’t be that hard right? We decided to attempt it ourselves…Big Mistake! Not only were we completely unable to remove the tools from the tool box, we were reading the instructing out of a manual while attempting to locate the spare tire which we NEVER found!

Flat tire...and still smiling...

Suddenly this huge truck pulls up behind us, and I am not kidding but the stereotypical looking axe-murder type guy steps out of the truck towards us. Tamara and I freeze looking at each other thinking *where is the pepper spray?*He tells us he is part of the Wisconsin road something something that goes around helping people that have car issues, we reluctantly agreed to let him help as we couldn’t do much ourselves anyway. 

Tamara and the truck that saved us...

As he started Tamara and I had the same thought…watch this guy just to make sure he does it ‘right’, I think possibly we have watched a few too many horror movies! Then to top it all off 2 cop cars arrived and “surrounded” us and asked if we had phoned the guy that was helping us, by now we were pretty freaked out…then we realized that another car had also hit the truck piece we hit and had called the cops to report it, they were broken down ahead of us. Finally we had a new tire and were on our merry way to Jelly Belly land, glad to survive another day on the road! 

We survived another day in Wisconsin :)

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