Friday, December 25, 2009

My 1st White Christmas…

Most people have asked me if I had a white Christmas…the answer is yes! (But technically we cheated) Dave (my host dad) was on call on Christmas day so we just moved everything up by one day, so we opened presents on the morning of the 24th, while it was snowing outside, aww!

Making snow angels

Keeping with tradition Dave and Amanda said the kids could each open a present on Christmas eve, so Amanda found one for Annabel, then asked Dave where mine was, to which he replied “she’s not a kid, she’s an adult” and Amanda said “no she’s is like our 4th child” It was really sweet! I told Dave that’s why they are my host-parents! So they let me open a present, a bright pink snuggli (not sure if they are big in SA? But basically it’s a blanket with sleeves) Now when I sit on my pink chair and watch tv I have a pink snuggli to keep me warm!

AJ and I snuggling on my new snuggli

The next day was lots of fun, I love Christmas! My host parents really made me feel very special! Later that morning we all went outside and played in the snow! We had an awesome fillet mignon for Christmas lunch, a far cry from a tradition SA style braai (BBQ/grill) but I can’t imagine trying that outside in the snow! Although I have to admit, I have seen people trying it!

Our beautiful Christmas tree

I’m going to stop there but will let you know I had an awesome New Years Eve with my Swedish and Colombian friends! We went out and just had a good time, I was DD (driver, not drinker) so I had a good sober time, but hey you can party without alcohol and have just as much fun (plus having no hangover the next morning, is an added bonus!)

New Years at the Safe House, WI

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