Saturday, December 5, 2009

Big Decisions…

My next big thing is…a big decision, I have to decide in month’s time whether I want to extend with my same family or whether I would like to re-match with another family (two of my friends have already had their families offer to ‘take’ me.) I love my current family and really enjoy Wisconsin, I have a really awesome room, and I get along well with my host family and love the children… However I would also like to see more of the country, but I can do that from here. I’m a little worried if I re-match and get a family from hell and that will taint my whole au pair experience as I will spend the next weeks in re-match trying to find another new family. Plus I know my host family at present is going to New Jersey again next year and to Boston in July. I’m just not sure, and I can’t look at what families are out there until I have told my family I want a re-match. Well just anyone’s thoughts on this would really help, even though ultimately it’s my choice, I want to be able to blame someone else (ha ha) …so please tell me what you think…

Skyping with my family (this pic is just for you dad :)
Yip, that's my confused face...
Oh wait you are taking pics, okay I'll smile :)

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