Saturday, April 30, 2011

A friend in need...

Karabo and I decided to visit Tyler after hearing he was a little under the weather, this was asking my host parents for their medical advice and them asking are you sure it’s not just a hangover. We stopped at Walgreens to pick up some meds to hopefully help him out. Knowing that Tyler hates Spongebob it gives me great pleasure to buy him various obnoxious yellow items with Spongebob on. He usually laughs at how ridiculous I am so I figured since laughter is the best medicine...this could actually work. I found a cute drinking cup that had flashing disco lights built into the base. Tyler was feeling really sensitive to light (seeing a problem) and had a major headache. So we walk in, I get the headache tablets out pour some water in the glass to take to him (by this time he is in man mode, laying in bed trying to look like he is dying for maximum female sympathy) I walk into the room and turn on the cup to show him how cool it is, needless to say this was not received too well, but I think the silliness did help to get a few laughs out and laughter is the best medicine after all.

The Spongebob Cup

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