Saturday, April 23, 2011

Aren’t we supposed to be watching the game?

A favourite American tradition is Tailgating, which has nothing to do with closely following another car, but instead involved games, eating excess (for some) drinking. So the plan is you are supposed to get to the park like 3 hours before the game starts (when they open the parking lot) Park your car and set up ‘camp’, which involves a grill and some form games (occasionally drinking ones.)

The sausage races

You hang out drinking, eating, blasting music and doing pretty much anything fun. Then about half way into the game people start making their way towards the stadium to watch the end of the game which is pretty pointless by that stage as it’s almost over, but I guess it’s all about the build up and spending time with friends. Tyler arranged a group of people to share in the fun experience of this American tradition and even offered to be the DD, Thanks Tyler :) The boys had the grill going, and the girls were hanging around setting the table and just generally having a good time. Then someone brought out the football and decided that we needed to learn to “throw the olde pigskin.” Um, I feel like we have gone thought this many times and yes...I throw like a girl, actually I throw like a rugby playing girl because everyone that has ever shown me how to throw has had Bokke in their blood. After a few practice throws and lots of instruction I think I got it, kinda.

Or not...

Eventually we made it to the game where I got to show how intelligent I really am, and what show offs Americans are. So Ryan Braun the “Oh-so-hot” (not really) number 8 player from the Milwaukee Brewers hit a home run, I never noticed. That was until fireworks (yip, fireworks) started shooting out of the roof of the stadium, at that moment the big screen showed a picture of the Miller girl on the moon (Miller sponsors the Brewers) with the words “moon shot” on it. I am still unaware of what just happened and I saw fireworks, moon shoot, fireworks, Miller girl, fireworks, why is everyone standing, oh he hit a home run I should stand, stand up as everyone sits down...everybody stares at me blankly as I announced he hit a home run (10 minutes later.)

The foreigners (and Brittney)

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