Friday, January 25, 2013

The actual day…

Tamryn and I invited all our girl-friends to a fun dinner at a restaurant called Casablanca. Our celebration also happened to coincide with our annual jewel of the bay’s (my belly dance troupe) night out. There is a belly dancer that dances at the Middle Eastern restaurant so we love gathering there!

Birthday Treats
Two big tables of wonderful people, lovely food and Tamryn and I were feeling happy as could be. We had sent the guys to their own beer and wings dinner and planned to meet them later that night.

Belly Dance friends

All together
Our cake was presented to our guests, they loved it but many were confused. I suppose I should backtrack for those of you that have been counting since last year was my golden birthday (on the 25th). This year would/should have been my 26th, right? But since Tamryn 24 and I didn’t want 2426 or 2624 on our birthday cake I used my handy math (haha) brain and decided she was gaining a year and I was losing one…so we ‘turned’ 25.
One of our friends ended up with a black iced cupcake and after she took a huge bite, and laughed my fears were confirmed…the colour does show up on your teeth. So she spent the better half of the night trying to get rid of some of the dark stain that was covering her mouth. Oops!

After dinner we met up with the guys to attend a comedy show. During the show I agreed to be an audience volunteer. My task was to add sound effects to an improve scene. Apparently I am not very good at this as I began giggling through most of it. When I did try to attempt making sound effects I would think of the word as opposed to the sound. So the door went “creak” literally. After a while I got the hang of it and between giggling I managed to complete the scene.
I love these people!

My wonderful friends

I had a great time that night. It was so great to see all my friends and to have them all interact together.

Tamryn and I
I don’t know how the tradition began that on her birthday I get encouraged to have a guys night before we meet up with the girls, however I am certainly not complaining. I actually think it leads to a very fun evening for all involved and also makes it so that there isn't a huge group at the restaurant. 

And of course I love my boyfriend!

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