Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat

So, It’s been way to long since I last blogged, and for this I apologize. The end of a semester is always hectic! Halloween is one of my favourite holidays since the kids absolutely love it! This year I decided to step away from the costume and remain stationary handing out candy to dinosaurs, wizards and cupcake clothed kids.

This was the first year the boys really got the concept and were extremely excited to dress up as Batman (Braden) and Superman (Finn). Annabel dressed as the spider queen, equipped with a “pet” spider on a leash.

Neighbourhood kids

The kids loved visiting all the houses and of course collecting candy!

Halloween with the kiddies :)

Tyler and I did attend a Halloween party at his mother’s house. I dressed as the tooth fairy and was able to reuse some pieces from previous years. Tyler wore a snuggi (baby carrier) with a pillow named Sugar in it …Sugar Daddy.

Bonfire, Candy Floss, Tooth fairy and a Sugar daddy!

Fun night spent around the bonfire, even if it is a little cold in Autumn.

Did I forget to mention Tyler's mom (Mary) went as a bloody Mary?  haha

We shopped for awhile trying to think of different Halloween costumes to wear, unfortunately the costumes are always super expensive, or as is the case for females the costumes are a bit shall we say revealing… yet still expensive. 

Given this we decided to just make our own and that way we were able to be creative and yet still stay warm, because after all this Halloween party was outdoors and by October in Wisconsin things are already starting to get a little cold. Usually in October it can get to about 32F or 0C by night time so its important to keep that in mind when choosing a costume. 

All of this being said, this is probably the first time in many years that I have actually worn a costume, I have never been much of a fan of Halloween, but my girlfriend convinced me to play along and it was a lot of fun!

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