Sunday, August 15, 2010

What happens in Vegas…

On the Friday my trip to Vegas began, and true to superstitious Friday the 13th style it was a LONG trip…I missed my bus,  this was mostly due to not being able to find the bus stop which was in a town called Falmouth, which was past a town called Mashpee and past a road called Stub Toe Road…haha!

Family Picture taken in Providence Town, MA

Sue decided to drive me half way to a town called Braintree where they have a shuttle service that goes directly to the Logon International Airport. I never missed my plane (*yah*) but the plane was delayed!  After arriving in New York, I spent a little time wandering around the airport (which is the same airport I flew into almost a year ago on route to Cali) then made sure I got to my gate in time, I definitely didn’t want to miss my flight to Las Vegas! And of course, my flight was delayed…again! But we still managed to land in Las Vegas on time. I had to catch two buses in order to get to my hotel where my friend Tamara was waiting for me. It was soooo damn hot in Vegas! (Like 108F which is 42C) Our first afternoon was spent lying by the pool and relaxing, later we walk to the closest fast food place for dinner, and then got ready to go out…in cute heels of course! By the way, if you ever go to Vegas…pack flats and heels, every time you enter a casino put your heels on (and your slops in your bag) and when just walking around TRUST me you are going to want to wear flats. We eventually walked home barefoot at like 2 in the morning!

Vegas airport :)

As you know they say “what happens in Vegas…stays in Vegas” so I won’t get into too much detail about my trip, but I will hi-light a few things to give you a run down. Tamara and I did almost all the 50 things on our list. We adjusted a few when we realized they were never going to happen (like finding a guy with a mullet, I guess men have finally realized that the mullet is definitely out…so we found a guy with an outrageously long Mohawk instead)

Mohawk dude

We almost got arrested, unfortunately it was not for “being awesome” but rather for Jay Walking. When you get warned not to Jay walk in the USA, take it seriously, some places (i.e Vegas) take this law very seriously! We were stopped by a cop that kindly explained exactly what a cross walk is and that we should learn to use them. We did however get to sit in a police car and take pictures; I think the cop felt sorry for us crazy foreigners.

In the police car...

We did catch a ride in a limo…what makes it even sweeter was that it was A. for free B. a hummer stretch limo and C. It was hot pink! We walked through a drive through, got boys to paint their nails purple and blue. Gave out a few red lipstick cheek kisses and collected coins, awesome times with Robyn and Tamara!

Limo riding in Vegas
*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page

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