Saturday, December 25, 2010

We wish you a Merry Christmas…

Christmas this year, was celebrated with some of Amanda’s family (her dad, mom, brother and sister-in-law) which was really fun. On Christmas eve I went over to Amy’s (a fellow South African au pairs) house during the day and we just hang out and later went our into the cold to play around with my new camera (a NIKON…dad don’t be a hater ;) the pictures are on facebook for those of you that haven’t seen them.

Fun in the snow

That night she came over and we had a lovely Christmas Eve dinner with my host family and their family. It was great to all be together. Later on my friend Julia joined us, which was awesome…us three had a great time talking about  our Christmas traditions from home and since we usually have Christmas in Summer, while we were now getting ready to celebrate Christmas in Winter.

Me and "my" boys on Christmas Eve

Christmas day was so much fun, we woke up early (Dave and Amanda convinced Annabel that 8am was early enough) opened all our presents sitting around the Christmas tree together. The rest of the day was a pretty chilled; later on I went and visited a few friends of mine. A lot of American kids get together after Christmas festivities with their families and just hang out, which was really awesome, because it gave my host family time to be a family and I got to spend time with friends.

Aj, Zach, Bucktail, Erica, Nonna, FInn, Braden, Me, Dave and Amanda
My wonderful extended host family

One of my Christmas presents was a ticket to go the Nutcracker (on Boxing Day) with Amanda, her mom, sister-in-law and Annabel. I watched the Nutcracker last year, but it was nice to see it again, and of course it made me think of my little sister. Riley, you would have loved it!

Christmas morning surprises

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